Privacy Policy

Harrvest may collect some personal information. This policy describes the information collected, and how it is used.

Harrvest may use cookies to provide accurate information and improve its services. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the user's device that Harrvest may access.

Additionally, Harrvest uses Matomo, an open source web analytics platform, to collect visitor information to better understand how users engage with Harrvest.
Matomo collects some information to understand how individual users interact with Harrvest. Any potential personally identifying information is anonymised before processing to ensure complete user privacy. All information is securely stored on Harrvest's servers, and is not accessed or processed by any third parties.


To keep the lights on, Harrvest uses Google Adsense to show ads. Google uses cookies to show ads based on your browsing history. To opt out of this personalised advertising, visit Google Ads Settings.
While you're here, we also recommend opting-out of all personalised ad tracking with the Digital Advertising Alliance.

Data removal

If you are a registered user, all of your data (account information & comments) will be permanently deleted upon account deletion.
If you are a guest and you would like your personal data removed (a comment, for example), please contact us with a reference to the data you would like deleted.